Understanding airspace and aviation terminology

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, you will delve into the world of aviation and airspace terminology. Understanding these terms is crucial for any drone pilot as it ensures safe and efficient flying operations. One fundamental term you will encounter is "airspace classification." Airspace is divided into different classes, each with its own set of rules and regulations.

The following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms, aviation loves acronyms, so it's beneficial to at least familiarize yourself with these terms. Don't spend too much time studying this.

Abb./Acronym Definition

14 CFR Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations

AC Advisory Circular

ACS Airman Certification Standards

ADDS Aviation Digital Data Services

ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone

ADM Aeronautical Decision-Making

AFM Airplane Flight Manual

AFS Flight Standards Service

AGL Above Ground Level

AIRMET Airman’s Meteorological Information

AOA Angle of Attack

ATC Air Traffic Control

ATD Aviation Training Device

CB Cumulonimbus

CFA Controlled Firing Areas

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CG Center of Gravity

CP Center of Pressure

CRM Crew Resource Management

CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency

CTP Certification Training Program

DPE Designated Pilot Examiner

DVFR Defense VFR

EMS Emergency Services

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control

FDA Federal Drug Administration

FDC Flight Data Center

FL Flight Level

FRZ Flight Restriction Zone

FS Flight Service

FSDO Flight Standards District Office

IAP Instrument Approach Procedures

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

IFR Instrument Flight Rules

IR Instrument Routes (sectional charts)

ISA International Standard Atmosphere

LAA Local Airport Advisory

MAP Missed Approach Point

MDA Minimum Descent Altitude

MEL Minimum Equipment List

MFD Multi-functional Displays

MOA Military Operation Areas

MSL Mean Sea Level

MTR Military Training Route

NACG National Aeronautical Charting Group

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NAS National Airspace System

NM Nautical Miles

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOTAM Notice to Airmen

NSA National Security Area

OTC Over-the-Counter

PAVE PIC – Aircraft – environment – External pressures

POH Pilot’s Operating Handbook

SAO Special Area of Operation

SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information

SOP Standard Operating Procedures

TCU Towering Cumulus

TFR Temporary Flight Restrictions

TN True North

TRSA Terminal Radar Service Area

TUC Time of Useful Consciousness

UNICOM Aeronautical Advisory Communications Stations

UTC Coordinated Universal Time

VFR Visual Flight Rules

VR Visual Routs (sectional charts)

VO Visual Observer

W&B Weight and Balance

WST Convective Significant Meteorological Information

Be Familiar with symbols listed on sectional charts, these charts are provided to you during the test, REMEMBER TO USE THEM! There is a ton of info in them, they are at the beginning of the book.

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